Try Alexa
Curious what Alexa can do? Try the capabilities of the Alexa platform for a fraction of the price of an Echo.
Control Your Home
Set up your smart home products in the Alexa app, then use Astra to control them from anywhere.
Weather Updates
Check the weather at home, in the city, or for any location Alexa supports weather reports.
Prime Ordering
Purchase products through Prime, including special Alexa-only deals.
So Many Skills
There are thousands of third-party skills available for Alexa, and they work great in Astra.
News Updates
Add news sources and ask for the latest updates.
"What's the score of the Iowa State game?" Ask for scores, updates, and more.
Stream content from certain providers and skills.
Note: Prime Music, Audible, and other Amazon or third-party services may not be supported due to licensing restrictions.